Module 4–Introduction

Learning Objective: The final clean-up Once you’ve got your sales funnels back in full swing, take it to the next level by deciding which products can be completed/reworked to bring in more cash. Let’s take a look at what can you do to add more value to your existing...

Module 3–Step 5: Getting The Right Help

It’s also vital, if you’re going to be using a VA or assistant to help you set up your funnel, that you choose a professional contractor experienced in handling the platform chosen. For example, someone fairly new to handling back-end software might easily find...

Module 3–Step 4: How to Tighten Up Wonky Funnels

Step number one is to make sure you thoroughly understand the process and purpose of a sales funnel. Here’s the breakdown of any funnel’s three vital stages: Lead generation Brand awareness and reinforcement Sales The best way to get your funnel off to a strong start:...