30-Day Business Planning Bootcamp
- 0/999 Students
- Self-Paced,Strategy
- 25 Lessons /0 Quizes
This is a four-module self-training system, complete with an Action Plan you can implement at the end of each module, as well as exercise worksheets to help you make all the changes you need.
It’s especially designed for people who feel they started out wrong and made all sorts of errors, and they’re now stuck with confusion and chaos in their business. Things like losing track of how many websites you own and having trouble deciding what to get rid of (and how to go about this). Transform your business from an expensive hobby to the business of your dreams with this quick and easy four-module self-study course.
Here’s what you can achieve with 30-Day Business Planning Bootcamp:
Module 1: Say Goodbye to Distractions + Get Back into Your Creative Flow
Learning Objectives: Making sense of the chaos
- Taking inventory of the chaos without losing your mind or getting depressed
- How to determine what is—and isn’t—making you the right amount of money
- Ten tips for reducing your monthly expenses while making your business sleeker
- How to reset your business and use your time to get back into the flow
- How to know what to throw away, what to keep … and why you should keep it
Module 2: How to Let Go of Costly Burdens to Create a More Profitable, Streamlined Business
Learning Objectives: cleaning up your business mistakes
- Five areas where you might be losing money without even knowing
- How to break free of business mistakes that no longer serve you
- What’s not making you money: How to determine this and how to fix it
- How to stop spending money on things you’re not making the most of
- Two ways to transform your business quickly with what you’ve already got
Module 3: How Optimizing + Leveraging Your Existing Resources Can Result in a Positive Cash Flow
Learning Objectives: Turning former flops into functioning funnels
- Your hidden assets—and how to bring them effectively out of hiding
- Plugging the leaks and opening bottlenecks you didn’t know you had
- Fast ways to finish projects that have been dragging on forever
- How to decide what to do with half-finished funnels—and finish them fast
Module 4: Apply These Simple Tweaks to Take Your Business to a Whole New Level
Learning Objectives: The final clean-up—how to make your business even more streamlined and effective
- Re-purposing content: Fast and easy ways to do it
- Testing the waters—which ones to choose and re-use
- Adding more value to your existing products without re-inventing the wheel
- How to raise your price and sell even more than before
- Seven small tweaks that boost your reputation and set you up for the VIP level
If you are ready to learn how to.…
- Undo all those mistakes you made in the past
- Transform them into paying products and programs
- Start thinking from a place of creative consciousness that makes you money
- Put the fun back into your business and rejuvenate your mission
- Attract the right people who will energize and inspire you even more
Sign up today!
Module 1: Say Goodbye to Distractions and Get Back into Your Flow
7 Lessons / 0 QuizesModule 2: How to Let Go of Costly Burdens to Create a More Profitable Streamlined Business
6 Lessons / 0 QuizesModule 3: How Optimizing and Leveraging Your Existing Resources Can Result in a Positive Cash Flow
6 Lessons / 0 QuizesModule 4: Apply These Simple Tweaks to Take Your Business to a Whole New Level
6 Lessons / 0 QuizesAbout the Instructor